In order to play the game, download the asset below and run the main.exe exec file within the folder.

The game is set in a universe born after The Big Bang, where surviving stars represent individual cells. Each cell embodies the essence of a star, with its behavior reflecting the cosmic drama of life and death. The main theme explores the existential questions surrounding the nature of stars: Are they storytellers of bygone eras, or prophets of what is yet to come? Drawing inspiration from Howl’s Moving Castle, where falling stars are depicted as souls rather than mere celestial bodies, the game delves into the intricate interplay between love, destruction, and cosmic destiny.

Through its portrayal of stars as living entities caught in the cosmic drama of existence, the game invites players to ponder profound questions about life, death, and the nature of the universe. By weaving together elements of mythology, fantasy, and science fiction, it creates a rich tapestry of storytelling that explores themes of love, loss, and the eternal quest for meaning in the vastness of space.

Remember, gaming is a form of escapism and entertainment. Enjoy the adventure, but always maintain an awareness of the boundary between fantasy and reality.

Happy gaming!


You can check out the development of our game by accessing this link :3


GameOfLife.rar 574 MB

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